Margi Prideaux
Margi Prideaux has lived and breathed wildlife and international politics and law almost every day for the past 28 years. As an international negotiator and independent academic, with a PhD in wildlife policy and law, her words have been tuned to inform policy audiences in over 20 different international conservation processes. She has published four books including Global Environmental Governance, Civil Society and Wildlife (Routledge, 2017), and numerous articles on environmental political theory, ecology and democracy, and ecological justice.
Until January 3, 2020 she divided her time as the Policy and Negotiations Director with Wild Migration, as Chair of the Convention on Migratory Species Aquatic Wild Meat Working Group, and as a Member of the IUCN WCPA Transboundary Conservation Specialist Group and the IUCN Marine Mammal Protected Area Taskforce. After losing her home, farm, and wildlife sanctuary to the unprecedented and climate-driven Australian wildfires, she is dedicating 2020 and 2021 to the research, writing, and release of her next book about her community’s experience on the frontline of climate change.