Book Series
Environmental Politics and Theory
Palgrave Macmillan.
The premise of this series - edited by Joel Jay Kassiola and Anthony Burke - is that the current environmental crisis cannot be solved by technological innovation alone. The environmental challenges we face today are, at their root, political crises involving political values, institutions and struggles for power. Therefore, environmental politics and theory are of the utmost social significance.
Growing public consciousness of the environmental crisis and its human and more-than-human impacts, exemplified by the worldwide urgency and political activity associated with the problem and consequences of climate and earth system change make it imperative to design and achieve a sustainable and socially just society.
The series publishes inter- and multidisciplinary scholarship that extends the theoretical dimensions of green political theory, international relations, philosophy, and earth system governance. It addresses the need for social change away from the hegemonic consumer capitalist society to realize environmental sustainability and social justice.
View our call for submissions here.
Call for Papers.
Environmental Politics After Humanism
This collection of essays aims to invigorate and expand an emerging interdisciplinary conversation, based in posthuman and new materialist theory, between political science and environmental humanities scholars.
We invite chapter proposals that engage with the complex relationships between theories of postman subjectivity, contemporary theories of citizenship, environmental justice, and climate activism. It will be submitted to the Palgrave Environmental Politics and Theory series.
Contact Andrew Rose or Stefanie Fishel by 1 November 2022.
andrew.rose@cnu.edu sfishel@usc.edu.au