Writing Planet Politics
The global tree
Debate about a global deforestation treaty has only begun. Stefanie Fishel argues that trees and their forest ecosystems are a major site of crisis and possibility as we push deeper into the Anthropocene.
Locating nature in international law
Re-examining international law assumptions about the natural world is not mere theoretical speculation, write Usha Natarajan and Julia Dehm. It is an urgent step to address pressing environmental challenges.
The end of sustainability summitry
The 5Oth anniversary of the 1972 UN Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment was commemorated at a major summit this June, but it had no significant outcomes. Frank Biermann asks if this is the end of major environmental summitry.
Between ecology & indigeneity
Environmental struggles and harms are bound together with the histories and struggles of Indigenous peoples. Stefanie Fishel, Christine Winter & Anthony Burke introduce a new special issue of Borderlands.
Defining ecocide
A new campaign to make ecocide an international crime is promising. But, argue Anthony Burke & Danielle Celermajer, ecocide should be defined to honour its victims - the beings of the Earth.
Environmental defenders are our future
The pandemic has been a brief and tragic respite from accelerating carbon emissions, but biodiversity loss and attacks on environmental defenders continue. Yet defenders are a crucial frontline in the fight for sustainability and justice. By Susan Park.

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