Alessandro Pelizzon
Dr Alessandro Pelizzon completed his LLB/LLM at the University of Turin in Italy, specializing in comparative law and legal anthropology with a field research project conducted in the Andes. His Doctoral research at the University of Wollongong focused on native title and legal pluralism in the Illawarra region. Alessandro has been exploring the emerging discourse on rights of nature, Wild Law and Earth Jurisprudence since its inception, with a particular focus on the intersection between this emerging discourse and different legal ontologies. His most recent book is Ecological Jurisprudence: Law, Representation and Environmental Metaphysics (Edinburgh University Press, forthcoming).
Alessandro is a co-founder and an Executive Committee Member of the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature and an expert member of the UN Harmony with Nature Programme, as well as an Associate Professor in the School of Law and Society at the University of the Sunshine Coast in Australia.