Jonna Nyman
Dr Jonna Nyman is Lecturer in International Relations at the University of Sheffield, UK. Her research broadly centres on the politics and ethics of security, with particular interests in energy security, climate politics, and China.
She is the author of the Oxford University Press monograph, The Energy Security Paradox: Rethinking Energy (In)security in the United States and China (2018, OUP). She has also published a series of research articles in journals such as Review of International Studies, the Journal of International Relations and Development, and Millennium, and a co-edited collection (with Anthony Burke) titled Ethical Security Studies: A New Research Agenda (2016, Routledge). Her research has been supported by the Economic and Social Research Council as well as the Leverhulme Trust, and she is an Associate Research Fellow at the Swedish Institute for International Affairs (Asia Group), Stockholm.