Judith Nora Hardt
Judith Nora Hardt works as a postdoctoral researcher with the Centre Marc Bloch (Franco-German Research Center for Social Sciences, An-Institut Humboldt University, Berlin) and she is active in the Network of Scientists For Future. She is also a Research Associate with the Climate and Security (CLISEC) Research Group and with the Institute of Peace Research and Security Policy (IFSH) of the Hamburg University. She graduated in International Relations at the University of the Basque Country (Bilbao Spain). Her book Environment and Security in the Anthropocene: Assessing Theory and Practice was published with Routledge in 2018.
More recently she finalized the project “A Climate for Change at the United Nations Security Council?” supported by the German Federal Foreign Office (2019-2020), and is working on "Multiple Crises: The entanglements of Covid-19, Ecology and Security in Europe”.