Biodiversity & the rights of nature

Y Ariadne Collins

Forests of Refuge: Decolonizing Environmental Governance in the Amazonian Guiana Shield
U California Press

Joana Castro Pereira & João Terrenas

Towards a transformative governance of the Amazon
Global Policy

Rafi Youatt

Counting Species: Biodiversity in Global Environmental Politics
U Minnesota Press

Susan Park & Eda Gunaydin

Australia as an ecocidal middle power
Australian Journal of International Affairs


Audra Mitchell

Beyond biodiversity and species: problematizing extinction
Theory, Culture & Society

Joana Pereira & Eduardo Viola

Climate Change & Biodiversity Governance in the Amazon

Anthony Burke

Blue screen biosphere: the absent presence of biodiversity in international law
International Political Sociology

Pereira & Viola

Close to a tipping point? The Amazon & climate pressure
Journal of Latin American Studies

Simon Butt, Rosemary Lyster & Tim Stephens

Climate Change & Forest Governance: Lessons from Indonesia

Couzens et al.

Human and environmental rights, biological diversity, and marine spatial planning
Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law

 Louis J Kotzé

Global Environmental Constitutionalism in the Anthropocene
Hart Publishing

Kotzé & French

Towards an Ecocentric Rule of Law in the Anthropocene
Global Journal of Comparative Law


Sophie Chao

Seed care in the palm oil sector
Environmental Humanities

Rafi Youatt

Personhood and the Rights of Nature
International Political Sociology


Planet Politics & Anthropocene Law


Anthropocene, Climate & Earth System